Good News! Early Poll Shows Greitens Up 40 Points in Missouri Senate Race


On March 8, longtime US Senator from Missouri Roy Blunt announced he will not be seeking reelection in 2022.

President Donald Trump’s allies immediately coalesced around former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens, urging him to run for the open senate seat.

Eric Greitens has appeared on Missouri radio, Newsmax, Steve Bannon’s War Room, and Seb Gorka’s radio show in the last 48 hours, and said that he is motivated by the tremendous support from grassroots voters across the state of Missouri.

He said voters will support candidates who are “willing to stand up, especially stand up against the lunacy that we’re seeing out of the left.”

And Eric Greitens has emerged as one of the most prominent defenders of the President over the last several months.

Running in a Republican primary in the coming election cycle requires candidates to have substantial Trump bonafides, and establishment politicians are realizing the political landscape continues to change under President Trump. President Trump won Missouri by 57% in 2020 and 56% in 2016.

Last Monday former Governor Eric Greitens announced on FOX News that he was running for US Senate in Missouri!

And today the latest poll shows Eric Greitens with a 40 point lead over his nearest GOP opponents.

The Hill reported:

Former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens (R) has a nearly 40-point lead over the next closest contender in the GOP Senate primary, according to an internal survey conducted by former President Trump’s pollster.

The survey of 400 GOP primary voters, which was commissioned by the Greitens campaign, finds him at 48 percent support, followed by state Attorney General Eric Schmitt at 11 percent.

Schmitt is the only other announced candidate, but Rep. Ann Wagner (R-Mo.) pulls 9 percent support and Rep. Jason Smith (R-Mo.) clocks in at 7 percent in the poll. Twenty-six percent of GOP primary voters said they’re undecided.

Good News! Early Poll Shows Greitens Up 40 Points in Missouri Senate Race Good News! Early Poll Shows Greitens Up 40 Points in Missouri Senate Race Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on March 30, 2021 Rating: 5

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