More Lies: Fauci Said He Was Pushing Coronavirus Vaccine in Jan 2020 – The Same Month He Shot Down COVID-19 as Not a Major Threat (VIDEO)
Dr. Fauci can’t stop lying!
On Sunday night NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci went on CNN and told the hosts he made the decision on January 10, 2020 to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus.
President Trump is widely credited with launching Operation Warp Speed in May 2020 todevelop, manufacture and distribute a proven coronavirus vaccine as “fast as possible.”
Unfortunately, for Dr. Fauci there is evidence to prove this was not the case and that the man is lying once again.
Back on January 21, 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci told Newsmax TV host Greg Kelly that the United States did not have to worry about the coronavirus.
Hat Tip Rose Tennant.
This Fauci video took place 11 days after his new claim that he made on Sunday about the decision to produce a vaccine on January 10th.
What a crock!
And in March 2020 Dr. Fauci said a vaccine would not be possible in under a year.
This was also widely reported at the time.
Dr. Fauci cannot be trusted.
His lies and misstatements are readily disproven by his previous statements.
The New York Post reported:
Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared to take credit for the development of the country’s COVID-19 vaccines — without ever mentioning the role of the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed campaign.
In a CNN special that aired Sunday, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said the “best decision” he made was fast-tracking efforts to produce a vaccine.
“When I saw what happened in New York City, almost overrunning of our health care system, it was like, ‘Oh my goodness,’ ” Fauci told CNN correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta on “COVID WAR: The Pandemic Doctors Speak Out.”
“And that’s when it became very clear that the decision we made on January the 10th – to go all out and develop a vaccine – may have been the best decision that I’ve ever made with regard to an intervention as director of the institute.”
Trump announced in May that he was launching Operation Warp Speed to develop, manufacture and distribute a proven coronavirus vaccine as “fast as possible.”

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