House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said he will look into expunging at least one of Trump’s impeachments.
“I would understand why members would want to bring that forward,” McCarthy said in response to a question about House members looking to expunge Trump’s impeachment.
“But I understand why individuals want to do it, and we’d look at it,” McCarthy said after asserting their priority is to get the economy on track.
In 2019 the Democrat-controlled House filed articles of impeachment against Trump over a phone call he had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
The Democrats claimed Trump was withholding money and weapons from Ukraine unless Zelensky helped him get to the bottom of the Biden Crime Family’s shady dealings.
Of course this was all all a lie.
But the Democrats went through with the impeachment anyway.
Trump’s second impeachment violated the Constitution because he was no longer in office when the Senate voted whether to convict him.

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