He Should Have Sued Them for Defamation: Blasey Ford’s Far Left Attorneys May Relitigate Bogus Sexual Abuse Charges Against SCOTUS Justice
Supreme Justice Bret Kavanaugh is not up for the job.
Kavanough does not understand our current political climate.
Democrats are Marxists — And Marxists NEVER quit until you are ruined, personally and financially.
They take joy in this. They always have. It is an evil belief system.
In 2018 the US Senate spent days investigating the baseless accusations by Christine Blasey Ford against Supreme Court pick Bret Kavanaugh.
In the end, there was no evidence to her sketchy 30-year-old story. There were no witnesses. She didn’t even confirm a single detail over the allegations that Kavanaugh dry-humped her at a high school party. Her best friend refuted the charges at the time. It was a media hoax to take down Kavanaugh. The fake news was behind it all.
After Bret Kavanaugh was sworn in as Supreme Court Justice he failed to bring suit against Blasey Ford and the other fraudsters.
Big mistake.
Now They’re back.
Blasey Ford’s Trump-hating far left attorneys want to relitigate the bogus charges against Kavanaugh and ruin him.
They say there were “4,500 tips” against him that were never investigated.
Boy, did he make a mistake!
Marxists never give up.
Far-left attorney Debra Katz posted this tweet on Thursday.
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