50 Times People Called Out Blatantly Sexist Things That Are Still Prevalent In Society

 Life’s full of blatantly sexist things and the everyday heroes of the internet keep calling them out, poking fun at them, and shining a bright spotlight on them to make it clear—these things are not okay. And, bit by bit, society changes. Hopefully, for the better.

The r/TrollXChromosomes subreddit, an online group that’s been active for a whopping decade and has over 812k members, documents when women and men confront sexism, misogyny, and toxic masculinity head-on. Have a look through some of their newest posts that we’ve collected for you, dear Pandas, and be sure to upvote the ones that rekindled your hope in greater equality in the world.

When you’re done with this list, we invite you to read through our first article about blatantly obvious sexism right here. Meanwhile, scroll down for our interview with psychotherapist Silva Neves, who explained  what men can do to put an end to toxicity, misogyny, and homophobia. According to him, it’s about redefining what ‘male success’ means and teaching society to stop turning a blind eye to what’s wrong.

Absolutely Hate The Way Our Clothing Was Policed In School

Absolutely Hate The Way Our Clothing Was Policed In School


The End

The End




Education is a vital part of the fight for greater equality, compassion, inclusiveness, and respect. However, alone without any ongoing and passionate support from us, education isn’t the panacea against sexism, misogyny, and toxic masculinity that some of us are looking for. It’s not a one-and-done kind of deal: it’s a long, arduous, exhausting process, a war of attrition between competing ideas.

“Better education is definitely key but it is also down to all of us to challenge it by not allowing toxic masculinity to keep going. It means that we all have to actively challenge misogyny and homophobia,” psychotherapist Silva noted in an interview with Bored Panda. He added that both misogyny and homophobia are “still prevalent now in the UK,” where he is based, and “too many people continue to turn a blind eye when they see it.”


Just Let People Be

Just Let People Be


Let’s Eradicate The Terms “Consensual Sex” And “Non-Consensual Sex” - It’s Either Sex Or Rape. Language Shouldn’t Be Used As A Tool To Obfuscate Trauma And Horror

Let’s Eradicate The Terms “Consensual Sex” And “Non-Consensual Sex” - It’s Either Sex Or Rape. Language Shouldn’t Be Used As A Tool To Obfuscate Trauma And Horror


Let's Please Bring An End To Victim-Blaming, And Shaming

Let's Please Bring An End To Victim-Blaming, And Shaming

According to Silva, men need to do their part and be more in tune with their emotions, instead of trying to repress them as is par for course with toxic masculinity.

“We need more representations of men who embrace their emotions, talk about them and show them with crying, laughing, or hugging,” he said.



I'm Sure Selfawarewolves Would Love This

I'm Sure Selfawarewolves Would Love This

Something else that drastically needs to change is how ‘male success’ and masculinity are defined. “We also need to change the image of 'male success'. So, basically, we need to change society at its core because toxic masculinity is part of a faulty system of thoughts. That will take time, but it can start with all of us doing our parts about it,” the psychotherapist told Bored Panda.





Things Women Shouldn't Wear

Things Women Shouldn't Wear


Every Single One

Every Single One


Spot On. Really Effing Spot On

Spot On. Really Effing Spot On


Never Thought Of It Like This

Never Thought Of It Like This





Representation. Matters

Representation. Matters


Do Not Hesitate To Ask What You Deserve

Do Not Hesitate To Ask What You Deserve


Screw Misogyny

Screw Misogyny



It's A Step In The Right Direction

It's A Step In The Right Direction


Please, Go On...

Please, Go On...

They Don't

They Don't


Horny By Shoulders

Horny By Shoulders


I Can't Even Watch The Notebook Without Cringing Now

I Can't Even Watch The Notebook Without Cringing Now





Abortion Rights Is A Human Rights

Abortion Rights Is A Human Rights


The Reason Why We Need To Stop Saying #notallmen

The Reason Why We Need To Stop Saying #notallmen





I Think We All Know Why

I Think We All Know Why





If The Men Find Out We Can Shapeshift, They Are Going To Tell The Church

If The Men Find Out We Can Shapeshift, They Are Going To Tell The Church

On Shaving

On Shaving

Because Apparently Only Old White Men Count

Because Apparently Only Old White Men Count


We Are Starting It Early, Guys!

We Are Starting It Early, Guys!


Ladies, When Was The Last Time You Went On A Killing Spree Cos You Were Feeling A Bit Emotional?

Ladies, When Was The Last Time You Went On A Killing Spree Cos You Were Feeling A Bit Emotional?


F**ked Up

F**ked Up


When A Man Tells Me He's Looking For A 'Real Woman' I Scurry Away Because I'm Actually Three Owls In A Raincoat And He Mustn't Find Out

When A Man Tells Me He's Looking For A 'Real Woman' I Scurry Away Because I'm Actually Three Owls In A Raincoat And He Mustn't Find Out


Experiencing Both Sides Of The Gender Divide As A Professional

Experiencing Both Sides Of The Gender Divide As A Professional


And We Prefer Your Opinions About Us Kept To Yourselves Too!

And We Prefer Your Opinions About Us Kept To Yourselves Too!


While It Is True That Girls’ Brains Typically Develop A Little Faster Than Boys’ Brains, That Doesn’t Excuse A Lack Of Discipline For Boys

While It Is True That Girls’ Brains Typically Develop A Little Faster Than Boys’ Brains, That Doesn’t Excuse A Lack Of Discipline For Boys


Oh Well

Oh Well


I Agree

I Agree


My Nana Is Divorced And Good For Her

My Nana Is Divorced And Good For Her


Get A Divorce

Get A Divorce



So Close To Getting The Point

So Close To Getting The Point





Sign Checks Out

Sign Checks Out


So Unfair

So Unfair


America Hates Women

America Hates Women

50 Times People Called Out Blatantly Sexist Things That Are Still Prevalent In Society 50 Times People Called Out Blatantly Sexist Things That Are Still Prevalent In Society Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on July 07, 2021 Rating: 5

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