The Silvestro Family Supplied Election Tabulators to Most New England States for Decades – Will the Election of 2020 Be Their Last Gig?
The Silvestro Family has been supplying voting machine equipment to New Englanders for decades. But will the 2020 Election be their last?
Father John Silvestro has a LinkedIn profile where he claims to be the CEO and Treasurer of LHS Associates, Inc.
While he was the CEO of LHS Associates, John Silvestro was involved in a hearing in January 2008 to discuss the machines used in New Hampshire. A report of this discussion published in 2016 said:
This video calls into question the accountability of New Hampshire elections. Most New Hampshire vote counts are not observable. Votes have been counted on the Diebold Accuvote ballot scanner technology, which can easily create an incorrect result because it allows alteration of vote results.
Though a new version may address the particular vulnerability that was demonstrated, New Hampshire regulations require approval by the Ballot Law Commission before new versions can be installed, and that commission had not met to approve it prior to the 2008 presidential primary. New England vendor for the system (LHS Associates’ John Silvestro, of Londonderry New Hampshire) attempted to mislead the House Election Committee, making a false statement that the problem had been addressed while knowing that it had not.
A text of the below video from 2008 and a copy of the video is available at Black Box
A dozen years later, John’s son is involved with LHS and he is president. We reported a couple of days ago, the younger Silvestro is present at the audit of the 2020 Election taking place in New Hampshire.
Jeff Silvestro is allowed to be present at the audit in New Hampshire which is totally unethical and his presence destroys any semblance of independence and objectivity the audit may have ever had. Jeff’s company uses Dominion tabulators:
We don’t know if the Dominion tabulators have the same weaknesses as their predecessors in New Hampshire.
The Silvestro’s show that it appears that the individuals who oversee elections in New Hampshire would rather protect their election results and citizens who sell them election products than protect their citizens from election abuse.

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