Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Gets Involved After Plano Police Officer Allows BLM-Antifa to Illegally Block Traffic, Brandish Weapon
On Friday video was released of an armed Black Lives Matter-Antifa mob illegally blocking traffic in Plano, Texas.
One man got out of his truck, confronted the mob and started screaming at them to get the f**k out of the road!
One of the left-wing protesters pulled out a weapon (presumably a pistol) and pointed it at the driver who confronted the mob.
The Plano police officer took the side of the BLM-Antifa mob and allowed the dangerous left-wing militia to illegally block the highway.
The man who attempted to clear the road was doxxed by leftists and charged while the law-breaking traffic-blockers walk free!
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton got involved since the Plano police chief refused to arrest the lawbreakers.
“I instructed one of my top deputies to contact the Plano Police Chief to get more details. What he heard paints an even worse picture that the video alone depicts,” Ken Paxton said in a statement.
Paxton said the police chief told his deputy several different versions of what actually happened.
“First, the Chief told my deputy that while the weapon drawn wasn’t a pistol, it was, in fact, a “pepper ball gun.” In a separate conversation, the Chief claimed it was a “taser.” In a recent Facebook post, the Department is now saying it was a “electronic control device.” Paxton said. “Whatever it was, the police declined to pursue the leftist who brandished the weapon, and no charges are being pressed against him.”
Paxton continued, “Second, the Chief was anxious to excuse the rioters. “You have to understand the situation.” urged the Chief. “We have to negotiate with these people. Do you expect us to mass arrest the protesters? You know that’s not going to happen.”
Paxton said too many police officers are “held back by politically motivated leaders, crippled by the woke agitators, now aiders and abettors to liberal lunacy.”
“I will never allow our beautiful Texas cities and neighborhoods to become Portland or Seattle or San Francisco because of the unchecked left,” Paxton said.
Now if he would just get his people to stop the illegal extra-judicial stalking and terrorizing of innocent civilians using the Community Oriented Policing program as cover. It is a Satanic Communist program designed to silence whistleblowers and political activist, among others. It works to enlist neighbors to spy on and harass neighbors, while contractors target the individual with electronic weapons much like those used on embassy personnel and, recently, White House employees.
ReplyDeleteCommunity Oriented Policing is a Communist program out of Communist East Germany.....then the former Soviet Union. While Russians are enjoying unprecedented freedoms and rights.....America quietly implements Communist programs, gun control, and mandatory lockdowns and, next....forced vaccinations along with the Great Reset.
By 2030, they say....no more private property. No more cash. You won't own your home. You won't own your car.
With this neighbor spying on neighbor terrorizing program....our government is slowly, but surely moving to implement Communism, gun control, and erasing our Constitutional rights.
Mr. Paxton....stop the neighbor spying on and harassing neighbor Communist program before Texas sees a Myron May shooting, a Pensacola Navy Yard Shooting, a Matthew Rehl shooting, or a Las Vegas shooting. Directed Energy Weapons drive the victim to the point of no choice but to react either with suicide or murder/suicide. They then use the incident as a media event to push for more gun control.
Community Oriented Policing is a Satanic Communist program. It needs be stopped in Texas !!!