Ted Cruz Slams Democrat Voting Bill: ‘Designed To Ensure Democrats Never Lose Another Election’ (VIDEO)
The Democrats’ ridiculously named ‘For the People Act’ is nothing more than a power grab, intended to keep Democrats from losing elections.
Ted Cruz went off on Democrats and the bill this week, calling it out for what it really is.
The American people need to understand what Democrats are really trying to do here.
The Daily Signal provides a transcript of Cruz’s words:
This legislation I believe is the most radical legislation the Senate has considered in the nine years I’ve been here and it is the most dangerous legislation pending before the United States Congress.
I listened to the speeches this morning. I listened to Sen. [Chuck] Schumer’s speech where he recounted this country’s shameful history of Jim Crow laws. And he’s right. Jim Crow laws were bigoted, racist, and disenfranchised millions of people.
It is worth remembering that those Jim Crow laws were drafted by Democrats. They were implemented by Democrats and they kept Democrats in power.
Now today’s talking point repeated in the media is that was the Democrats of yesterday, not today. Well today, the Democrats are doing it again. This legislation—to use a phrase that has been popularized on the media recently—is Jim Crow 2.0. This legislation would disenfranchise millions of Americans.
Many of us are referring to this legislation as the “Corrupt Politicians Act” … Sen. Schumer talked about politicians picking their constituents. That’s what this legislation does. This legislation is designed to ensure that Democrats never lose another election.
This legislation would register millions of illegal aliens to vote. It is intended to do that.
Watch the whole video below:
All of the Republicans need to start speaking up as loudly as Ted Cruz is here.
This is about the future of the country and whether or not we will have fair and honest elections ever again.

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