The Great Reset: Big Tech and Big Pharma Join Forces to Build Digital COVID Vaccination Passport


Big Tech and Big Pharma are joining forces to build a passport that identifies if you have been properly vaccinated before traveling.  Clearly individual rights are not their priority.

Breitbart reports:

A coalition of tech and health organizations including Oracle, Microsoft, and the Mayo Clinic, is reportedly working to develop a digital COVID-19 vaccination passport that would allow businesses, airlines, and governments to check if individuals have received the vaccine.

The Hill reports that a coalition of health and technology organizations are working to develop a new digital COVID-19 vaccination passport that could be checked by businesses, airlines, and countries to confirm if an individual has received the vaccine. The coalition includes tech giants such as Microsoft and Oracle, along with the Mayo Clinic.

On Thursday, the Vaccination Credential Initiative announced that it is developing technology to confirm vaccinations in case governments mandate that people provide proof that they have received a vaccination in order to travel.

The coalition hopes that the tech will allow people to “demonstrate their health status to safely return to travel, work, school and life while protecting their data privacy.” The group is using work from the Commons Project’s international digital document that verifies a person has tested negative for COVID-19.

This may sound like a good idea to some, but to those who feel vaccines are a problem and not a solution, this is very worrisome.

Robert Kennedy Jr has spoken out against vaccines for years:

Kennedy is also apprehensive about the great reset:

It seems clear that we should be leery of any effort to mandate we perform certain actions that are not confirmed safe and effective.

The Great Reset: Big Tech and Big Pharma Join Forces to Build Digital COVID Vaccination Passport The Great Reset: Big Tech and Big Pharma Join Forces to Build Digital COVID Vaccination Passport Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on January 18, 2021 Rating: 5

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