Meghan McCain Tells AZ GOP Worker To 'Go to Hell' After Criticizing Her Dad, Chairwoman Steps in and Gives Them a Pat on the Back Instead

 Fighting words were flying fast and furious in the Twittersphere after 2021 began with a bristling barrage of tweets between the Arizona Republican Party and Meghan McCain.

The state party began the exchange with a tweet disparaging several moderate Republicans.

“As the sun sets on 2020, remember that we’re never going back to the party of Romney, Flake, and McCain. The Republican Party is now, and forever will be, one for the working man and woman! God bless,” the state GOP Twitter account wrote on Friday.

McCain, daughter of the late Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, has never been one to hold in her feelings when she believes her family is under attack. This weekend was no exception.

“Honestly whomever is running this Twitter account can go to hell,” she tweeted.

“How’d that work out on election day in Arizona?” she continued.

Enter Kelli Ward, the chairwoman of the state party, who not only took McCain to task, but also gave a shout-out to the party worker whose tweet set McCain’s teeth on edge.

“I think that was you and your mom … who voted for Uncle Joe? Who wants to be Kamala’s Ambassador to England? Who didn’t campaign for Republicans but instead backstabbed everyone from President @realDonaldTrump to me? That was ALL YOU. You’re a family of frauds,” she wrote.

More back-and-forth followed.

The Arizona Republic noted that British media have floated the possibility of Cindy McCain, the senator’s widow, being named the next U.S. ambassador to Britain.

Meghan McCain Tells AZ GOP Worker To 'Go to Hell' After Criticizing Her Dad, Chairwoman Steps in and Gives Them a Pat on the Back Instead Meghan McCain Tells AZ GOP Worker To 'Go to Hell' After Criticizing Her Dad, Chairwoman Steps in and Gives Them a Pat on the Back Instead Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on January 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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