Sidney Powell: Witness in Hospital After Beating

 Attorney Sidney Powell said on the Sean Hannity show on Fox News Monday night that a witness to election irregularities was beaten up and is in the hospital. Powell spoke about the attack while speaking about witnesses needing protection as a reason some are not going public and signing affidavits. Powell said some are in the government, others are in roles that require confidentiality, and that they need protection by the government.

Powell: “They’re gonna lose their job. Their lives have been threatened. Uh, one witness we know of got beaten up and is in the hospital. There have been all kinds of repercussions against people who have come forward to tell the truth. And no, Democrats don’t like whistleblowers, they only like liars who claim they’re whistleblowers.”

The video clip of Powell’s remarks was posted with a heavy dose of snark by a Daily Beast reporter:

Sidney Powell: Witness in Hospital After Beating Sidney Powell: Witness in Hospital After Beating Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on December 01, 2020 Rating: 5


  1. We were suppose to believe the whistleblower in the Trump impeachment, even though he was never named or came into public. And he was proved to be a liar for spreading the added made up shit from traitor vindeman. Dont dispute it! I watched the entire proceedings!

    1. The whistleblower was factually correct in all his claims but arguably not in his conclusion that Trump was motivated to elicit help for the sole purpose of smearing an opponent

  2. Please stop lying and spreading falsehoods about all of this it you have the proof show us.

  3. Venderman should have been put in prison for lying to Congress. Everything he said was hearsay and everything he said was Lies made up for him by the Democratic establishment. But like myself most Americans believe that the Democratic establishment is above the law and no matter what they do they are never prosecuted only waste taxpayers money for investigation even though all the evidence against them comes out but it's just swept underneath the rug. Now if it's anybody else they gets prosecuted and sent to prison it's a double standard. They tried to impeach our president on a lie of a quid pro quo that was made up by the Democratic establishment. But sleepy perverting Joe dead do a quid pro quo and it was all over the news media and videoed about the 1 billion dollars that he was not going to give to the president of Ukraine if the prosecutor that was investigating his son would be fired. If not they would not get the money. Now if that's not a quick pro quo what is it shut up. But what happened to it it got swept underneath the rug. The FBI knew it, and the other law enforcement agencies CIA new it the AG new it why wasn't sleepy Joe brought up on charges. That is what I'm talkin about two types of law one for them and one for everybody else.

  4. That is why I left the DEMORATS. They are scums Racist Pigs COWARDS.

    1. Just like Trump. Accuse them of being what you really are. Sounds like juvinile phychology to me.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Political party doesn't determine racism. I know racist who are a part of every political party and some who aren't even registered to vote, the same with cowards. Your character defines you not your political party.

  6. Im looking at the big picture. I watched several hours of the Michigan oversight committee hereing yesterday. I am very troubled by the clearly evident fraud which occurred at the TCF in Detroit. I want to know if the same acts were carried out in 2016. I highly doubt it. What i do know is that if this election was manipulated in any way. It may be time for the unthinkable. We will take back our democy or die trying. God help is all!

  7. And on one has come out to repudiate the calls for violence in Georgia against people working on the election. And this lunatic is asking for protection for these “unknown whistleblowers” and Fox is giving her air time. This is sickening!!!!


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