Dominion CEO John Poulos Says Dominion Not Linked to SolarWinds Orion – Denies that Votes were Sent Off-Site to be Manipulated (VIDEO)
In a huge development on Monday morning, Michigan Judge Elsenheiemer gave Attorney Matthew DePerno permission to release the results of his forensic study on the Dominion Voting Machines by IT experts with the provision that he make a few redactions, which DePerno claims were “minor.”
DePerno said the redactions were “not relevant,” and that the key part of the report has been released in his bombshell report.
The report by Allied Security Operations Group was released following the hearing.
After the forensic examination of 16 Dominion Voting machines in Antrim, Co. MI, Allied Security Operations Group has concluded that the Dominion Voting machines were assigned a 68.05% error rate. DePerno explained that when ballots are put through the machine, a whopping 68.05% error rate means that 68.05% of the ballots are sent for bulk adjudication, which means they collect the ballots in a folder. “The ballots are sent somewhere where people in another location can change the vote,” DePerno explained.
This was a very significant finding. The Dominion machines were set up to dispute 68.05 percent of all ballots. These ballots were then sent off to “another location” where people in other locations could change the votes.
On Tuesday Dominion Voting Systems CEO John Poulos testified before the Michigan State Oversight Committee.
During questioning, Senator Michael MacDonald asked Poulos if it was possible to change a record value either locally or remotely on the Dominion machines.
Poulos said to his knowledge that was not possible and if it were you couldn’t do it undetected. Poulos added, “It would leave a trail. There would be a mismatch from another card. And there are several checks and balances in the machine.”
Poulos told the committee Dominion does not use the SolarWinds Orion package that was the subject of the DHS report from the 13th.
Poulos also said it was not possible for a USB drive to manipulate the data.

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