BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: System ‘Glitch’ Also Uncovered In Wisconsin – Reversal of Swapped Votes Removes Lead from Joe Biden


We’ve reported on numerous events identified in the 2020 election already which are being referred to as ‘glitches’ by the Democrats.  Tonight we just uncovered another ‘glitch’ in Wisconsin. 

When this one is confirmed it will result in a 19,500 vote gain for Trump making the Wisconsin race a total toss-up.

There is now a pattern of events we have uncovered across the country where votes are being taken from Republicans at all levels and transferred to competing Democrats in offsetting amounts.  These are not random because in every case votes are moved from Republicans to Democrats. 

This is beginning to appear like a strategy used by the Democrats to steal this election.

We reported first on a system glitch, as it was labeled, in Michigan which switched 6,000 votes back to President Trump.

Then another example was uncovered in Oakland County Michigan where again a Republican won his race as a result this glitch being reversed.

Then in Pennsylvania a ‘glitch’ was uncovered where nearly 20,000 votes were moved from President Trump to Biden.

When this is confirmed it will result Biden’s lead being cut by 40,000 votes in Pennsylvania bringing this race back to even.

Then we found approximately 6,000 votes which were taken from Trump and moved to Biden in Georgia due to a ‘glitch’.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: System ‘Glitch’ Also Uncovered In Wisconsin – Reversal of Swapped Votes Removes Lead from Joe Biden BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: System ‘Glitch’ Also Uncovered In Wisconsin – Reversal of Swapped Votes Removes Lead from Joe Biden Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on November 10, 2020 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. "Actual vote totals (approximate to within 2 percent on Biden:)

    Trump: 73.5 million.

    Biden: 25.9 million.

    Those are the real numbers, MINUS Trump votes that were tossed and never accounted for, Trump might have over 100 million but Biden definitely got 25.9 million. We'll never know the actual number of Trump votes because so many were thrown away.

    The CIA leadership should be publicly lynched for their vote theft software, and the rest of the CIA should be disbanded and blacklisted from employment for the rest of their lives. They belong on the streets rattling cans, and if they did, they'd starve because NO ONE would drop a dime, including leftists who will only do so with other people's money." Ex NSA asset Jim Stone 


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