Here is the Weirdest Part of Biden’s Kenosha Town Hall Everyone is Talking About (VIDEO)

Joe Biden traveled to Kenosha, Wisconsin on Thursday to meet with Jacob Blake Sr. following the officer-involved shooting last week.
Biden held a town hall inside of Grace Lutheran Church and it was very awkward and creepy.
At one point Biden was rambling about raising taxes when caught himself and said, “Not going to lay it out for you, I won’t now because they’ll shoot me.”
One participant spilled the beans and admitted on camera that she was given a piece of paper telling her what to say.
But here is the weirdest part of his town hall that everyone is talking about:

Biden also bizarrely introduced his wife Jill in the middle of an answer.
Who actually supports this creep?
The Trump campaign used this clip of Biden to troll him.
Here is the Weirdest Part of Biden’s Kenosha Town Hall Everyone is Talking About (VIDEO) Here is the Weirdest Part of Biden’s Kenosha Town Hall Everyone is Talking About (VIDEO) Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on September 05, 2020 Rating: 5


  1. That &

  2. There is nothing bizarre about appreciating his wife. He did nothing awkward. You are just demonized people who sees wicked through you eyes and hear wicked through your ears

    1. Hi Jill, nice to see you sticking up for your dementia patient husband. LMAO.

  3. I am a Biden supporter all the way. tRump is pure evil

  4. The communist democRATS are in a full blown panic attack, as they know we are about to close their good in and seal it tight, then on NOVEMBER 3RD 2020, it will be buried so deep, it will take a thousand years to find. THANK YOU JESUS, I DO LOVE IT.

  5. An incredible 4 minute song that is soon to be a major hit song just for those with TDS🎶


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