Children’s program about 12-year-old ‘trans’ girl debuts on BBC to normalize drugging and mutilating kids
A new drama recently debuted on British state television for kids starring a transgender girl in an attempt to paint “her” in a sympathetic light and essentially encourage transgenderism among the youth.
The CBBC broadcast First Day last week as a coming-of-age story about a fictional 12-year-old transgender girl’s transition to secondary school. It had previously been broadcast on Australian TV. She is painted in a heroic light, with everyone who refuses to placate her mental illness depicted as monsters. Evie Macdonald is the 15-year-old transgender child actress being exploited for this role.
A clip from the program can be seen here:
Concerned citizens on social media are enraged that the mass media is recruiting more children into this dangerous and depraved lifestyle.
“So @cbbc are launching a new show called #FirstDay about a trans girl starting her first day at secondary school. Firstly, INCREDIBLE… Secondly, that’s an RSE/PSHE resource found for my Year 6s!” a teacher with the handle @just_JoshyG wrote in a Tweet
“You are stoking the fire of the trans contagion by showing programmes like First Day. This is exactly why gender clinics are brimming with children. Put the brakes on it until you have done research,” user @Carriedenne1 wrote in a Tweet about the program.
Big League Politics has reported on how transgender children are brainwashed by their parents:
A 16-year-old Australian-American boy has come forward with a shocking story about how his mother attempted to force him to be transgender starting at the age of eight.
“I didn’t know who I was,” Lucas told Sausage Roll. His mother dressed him in girl’s clothes before school, which resulted in alienation and confusion within the poor lad. He explained the shocking story about how the LGBT abuse started in his life.
”My parents met online on some, now defunct, dating website. My father is an Australian labour worker and my mother was working as a waitress in Los Angeles, California, at the time,” Lucas wrote in an email.“I grew up and went to school in Australia and everything was quite normal. I had a few friend and we’d hang out and play video-games or just mess around at the local part,” he added.
Lucas’ childhood was normal until his parents split up, which is when his mother without a strong patriarchal figure around to keep her in check started abusing her son by instilling transgender dogma into him. Lucas was forced to move to America, which alienated him, and his mother began forcing the gender transition upon him…
Lucas detailed the abuse he received as he was inducted into the satanic LGBT lifestyle by his own mother.
“She took me to a high-end club that was filled with men who were practically nude. They’d have stage shows where the guys would dance promiscuously and strip. A lot of these guys would always say nasty things to me and touch me inappropriately. I didn’t like it, I told my mum yet she didn’t care. She told me to ‘man up’, which I thought was very ironic,” he said.
She even attempted to pimp him out to LGBT predators who they met at these events. A man once approached Lucas’ mother and told her that he would “absolutely love to get to know Lucas a bit better.”
“My mother wanted me to go visit him… ALONE! She told me she’d already set up a date for the two us and said it would be fun. ‘It’s just two queens going shopping and having fun, Lucy. Don’t be such a baby,’ she said. I refused. I cried. I screamed,” Lucas said.
The deranged mother even tried to show Lucas pornographic movies as a way to warp his mind so he would accept her transgender push.“She even showed me homoerotic films and told me that this was natural. Although it may be, it wasn’t for me. But still, I was old enough to realize what was going on. It made me feel sick,” he added.
Children’s program about 12-year-old ‘trans’ girl debuts on BBC to normalize drugging and mutilating kids
Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE
September 10, 2020

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