Massive Surge In Crime With Ongoing Riots And Looting Causing New Yorkers To Flee The City In Droves

Under Mayor Bill de Blasio’s awful leadership, New York City is becoming a ghost town.
The Coronavirus lockdowns were bad, but things really began to fall apart with the rioting and looting, which de Blasio allowed to continue without enforcing law and order.
People paying massive rents and high taxes started to wonder why they were living there.
Now they are fleeing the city in droves.
The New York Post reports:
New Yorkers keep moving out of the city to suburbs, other statesThe move is on — to leave New York City.The exodus that began at the start of the coronavirus outbreak, with many New Yorkers departing to their beach and country homes, has continued unabated as more leave for good, according to city moving companies overwhelmed by the avalanche of ex-pats.“People are fleeing the city in droves,” says Moon Salahie, owner of Elite Moving & Storing in Yonkers, who has been working nonstop since the city began Phase 1 of its reopening in June.Salahie said 90 percent of the moves are to the suburbs and mostly families with kids worried about the school year. He’s packed people out of neighborhoods all over Manhattan.“The least movement would be the Park Avenue and Fifth Avenue crowds,” he said. “Those people don’t have to leave because they have second homes.”
The FOX Business Network has more:
A mad rush for the exits as New York City goes down the tubesIt’s not just a few Upper West Siders who are fleeing New York: Moving companies say they’re swamped with calls from residents looking to ditch the city — even though the COVID crisis has waned.One likely reason: The virus was but the last straw; New Yorkers are fed up with the shootings and lootings, homelessness on the streets, sub-par online schools, sky-high taxes and the sheer obliviousness of pols like Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo…Meanwhile, Fox Business reports that moving companies are seeing a continuing surge in citywide business that began soon after the COVID outbreak. And while many of those fleeing may come from Manhattan, the trend is surely not confined to the Upper West Side.It’s been “insanely busy,” Roadway Moving President Ross Sapir told Fox. Indeed, he says this has been the busiest summer ever for the company. “For the last three months, we couldn’t keep up with demand.”
This is going to set off a domino effect. It will shrink the city’s tax base, making things worse.
Then even more people will leave.
Massive Surge In Crime With Ongoing Riots And Looting Causing New Yorkers To Flee The City In Droves
Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE
August 12, 2020
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