A report that was presented by Chinese intelligence to top leaders in Beijing a month ago reportedly warned that the fallout from China’s scandalous handling of the coronavirus pandemic, which originated in China, was so bad that China needed to be prepared for an armed confrontation with the United States.
“The report, presented early last month by the Ministry of State Security to top Beijing leaders including President Xi Jinping, concluded that global anti-China sentiment is at its highest since the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown, the sources said,” Reuters reported. “As a result, Beijing faces a wave of anti-China sentiment led by the United States in the aftermath of the pandemic and needs to be prepared in a worst-case scenario for armed confrontation between the two global powers, according to people familiar with the report’s content, who declined to be identified given the sensitivity of the matter.”
The 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, the history of which is completely censored in China, happened when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) murdered thousands upon thousands of Chinese citizens who were protesting for democratic reforms in the communist nation.
The presentation that was given to China’s top leaders was prepared by “the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), a think tank affiliated with the Ministry of State Security, China’s top intelligence body,” Reuters added. “The report described to Reuters warned that anti-China sentiment sparked by the coronavirus could fuel resistance to China’s Belt and Road infrastructure investment projects, and that Washington could step up financial and military support for regional allies, making the security situation in Asia more volatile.”
China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a predatory investment project that provides “vital infrastructure funding to developing countries” while leaving those countries with “unsustainable debt,” according to the Center For Strategic & International Studies (CSIS).
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) “has scrutinized multiple aspects of the BRI, repeatedly warning of unsustainable debt levels, predatory lending, and the lack of project transparency,” CSIS added.
Reuters noted that one person who had knowledge of what was presented to Chinese leaders said that Chinese intelligence viewed the report as China’s version of the “Novikov Telegram,” a 1946 document from Soviet ambassador to the U.S., Nikolai Novikov, which warned that the U.S. was a threat to the USSR and thus the USSR needed to beef up its presence in Eastern Europe.
China has rapidly ramped up their military capabilities thanks to their theft of U.S. intellectual property and military secrets, as well as other criminal activity.
The Department of Defense reported:
China uses a variety of methods to acquire foreign military and dual-use technologies, including targeted foreign direct investment, cyber theft, and exploitation of private Chinese nationals’ access to these technologies, as well as harnessing its intelligence services, computer intrusions, and other illicit approaches.
China is responsible for the coronavirus pandemic as studies have found that had they acted three weeks earlier, which is still weeks after they learned that the virus was transmissible from human-to-human, the outbreak could have been 95% contained.
The Daily Wire previously reported that China has falsely claimed that the coronavirus came from the United States Army; tried to cover it up by silencing doctors and journalists who were trying to warn the world; told the world that there was not evidence the coronavirus could be transmitted person to person when they knew for a fact that it could; intentionally lied about how bad the outbreak was to buy themselves time to hoard medical supplies and tried to cover up deaths; and is allegedly continuing to withhold critical information about the outbreak.”
Facing Coronavirus Fallout, Chinese Leaders Told To Be Ready For War With U.S., Report Says
Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE
May 05, 2020
Adam thoba needs to retain his semen
ReplyDeleteAnd fuck dem yellow chinese niggas