Almost all of ordinary matter (99.9999999% of it) is empty space. If you took out all of the space in our atoms, the entire human race (all 7 billion of us) would fit into the volume of a sugar cube.

If you unravel every strand of DNA from your body, its length would be roughly 34 billion miles, which makes it longer than our solar system. (A good article says that it can reach Pluto and return to earth around 6 times)

Human body contains cosmic relics since the creation of the universe. If not all, most of our hydrogen atoms were formed during the big bang 14 billion years ago

In fact it has affected us so much that a small percentage of static from our old TVs were actually the afterglow of the Big Bang.

Lack of atmosphere in the moon means no wind or water to sweep off the bootprints that were left there. If all goes smoothly, they will remain there for millions of years.

Many stars on our sky are older than we think, in fact looking at some is like turning back in time, cause the light they are showing, was produced many years ago. NASA's Hubble telescope has seen the light of a long galaxy full of stars that existed billions of years ago, and is probably no more.

A year on Venus is 224 earth days. While one day on Venus is 243 earth days. A day is longer than a fricking year there. That's because not only it's the only planet around here that rotates backwards, it also rotates faster around the sun than it does rotating around itself.

Simple picture, earth too smol. 1.3 million earths can fit on our sun.

Touching two pieces of the same metal in the vacuum of space will result in them fusing and bounding togethere for eternity ( or until you get bored of them and break them)

Speculations and assumptions of scientists reveal that there could be around 3 sextillion stars in the universe. Let's see that in number:
More than all the grains of sand in the earth.

Actually the universe is so big that the observable universe is believed to be roughly 5% of the whole thing. That leaves 95% of uncharted territory, and probably where star wars took place.
Some science facts that you probably didn't know about (11 Pics)
Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE
April 28, 2020
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