WTH? Soleimani’s Daughter Threatens Death to US Soldiers — Voice of America Says She’s a US Citizen?!

Qassem Soleimani’s 28-year-old daughter spoke on Monday at her father’s funeral.
Zeinab Soleimani is posting threats of suicide attacks following her father’s death.
Qassem Soleimani suicide brigade was formed to avenge the killing of the Iranian terror leader.
مجموعة جديدة تسمي نفسها " كتائب الحسين الانتحارية" لرد والانتقام من مقتل قاسم سليماني وابو مهدي المهندس ..#العراق_ينتفض pic.twitter.com/CBmgzhsMZW— Mustafa Hamid 🇮🇶 (@mustafahamaidhe) January 5, 2020
Zainab Soleimani is reportedly an American citizen.
— Afshin Ismaeli (@afshin_ismaeli) January 6, 2020‘Voice of America’ confirms that #Soleimani’s daughter is a #US citizen herself and sworn om American flag! pic.twitter.com/4jrc7Q5TR0
SHOCKING! ‘Voice of America’ confirms that #Soleimani’s daughter that is directing suicide operations against the USA is a US citizen herself.— Imam of Peace / Pray for Peace... (@Imamofpeace) January 6, 2020
How? Can someone experienced look into this? “Soleimani’s daughter is a US Citizen.” https://t.co/Jo6VzcZjTc pic.twitter.com/tsEeTTof4T
Voice of America (Persian) wrote on Monday that Zainab is a US Citizen!
Here’s the translation: Zainab Suleimani, a 5-year-old daughter of Qassim Suleimani, is like many of the children of officials in the US citizenship system. They have sworn to the American flag to get their citizenship and are seeking revenge on America today. what is your opinion?

#QassemSoleimani’s daughter has American citizenship like other Iranian lobbyists in the US who are working mostly in media and think tanks on US soil for Islamic regime’s interest.This issue should be considered & these ppl don’t deserve American nationality & protection 1/2 pic.twitter.com/lHKSMwSjSc— Shukriya Bradost (@ShukriyaBradost) January 5, 2020
WTH? Soleimani’s Daughter Threatens Death to US Soldiers — Voice of America Says She’s a US Citizen?!
Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE
January 07, 2020
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