The democrats are starting to abandon ol’ stretch face Pelosi, as long time Congressman Collin Peterson, democrat from Minnesota, has signaled that he will be voting NO on the articles of impeachment.
Trump won Peterson’s district in 2016 by 30%.
Barring new information that could convince him otherwise, Rep. Collin Peterson said Saturday he will vote against impeaching President Trump when the issue comes for a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives.Peterson, a conservative Democrat who has not yet announced whether he’ll seek a 16th term representing western Minnesota’s 7th District, said he expects four or five other Democrats will do the same.Peterson, who represents Minnesota’s 7th Congressional District, made the comments Saturday while attending the annual meeting of the First District Association, a dairy cooperative in Litchfield.After the House Judiciary Committee voted to approve two articles of impeachment on Friday, the full House is set to vote on the articles in the coming week. Peterson said he normally doesn’t make a decision until an issue — and all the information — is on the floor for a vote but said “unless they come up with something between now and Wednesday,” he will not support the articles of impeachment.“Maybe something will change. I doubt it,” he said.Peterson said Trump “has not committed a crime” — and that most people in the 7th District don’t think the U.S. should provide foreign aid, so they are not troubled at all if Trump withheld funds to Ukraine. Peterson also said the case against Trump only includes “second-hand” information about Trump’s questionable phone call.Peterson said the “biggest problem” he has with this impeachment process is that people decided in advance they were going to impeach Trump “and now they’ve spent a year trying to figure out how they can make a case for it. That’s backwards. I just don’t agree with this.”
Peterson represents Minnesota’s 7th Congressional District, and is largely rural, covering most of the western part of the state. He won his last two re-elections by only 5%. Trump carried the district by 30 points over Hillary, 61%-31%.
House Democrat Collin Peterson in Trump +30 District to Vote NO On Impeachment
Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE
December 17, 2019
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