DISGUSTING! FOX News Never-Trumpers JOKE AND LAUGH About Roger Stone After Court Verdict Could Land Him with LIFE IN PRISON! (VIDEO)

Trump friend and former adviser Roger Stone was convicted on SEVEN CHARGES — all process crimes — on Friday in the corrupt courtroom of Amy Berman Jackson.
Stone now faces up to 50 Years in Prison — or a life sentence.
Democrats will likely cheer this news. Roger Stone has been a very effective GOP activist over the years.
Watch Democrats cheer that after Roger Stone is possibly imprisoned until death.
Watch Democrats cheer that after Roger Stone is possibly imprisoned until death.

FOX News loaded its lineup this morning with NEVER-TRUMPERS… NOT ONE is a Trump Supporter.
The FOX News elites responded to the news not with shock but with a giddy tone.
The FOX News elites responded to the news not with shock but with a giddy tone.

At one point in their segment Chris Wallace and Bret Baier start laughing along with the rest of the lineup about Roger Stone’s Nixon tattoo.
The man is facing life in prison and they are cracking jokes about his tattoo!
DISGUSTING! FOX News Never-Trumpers JOKE AND LAUGH About Roger Stone After Court Verdict Could Land Him with LIFE IN PRISON! (VIDEO)
Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE
November 16, 2019

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