Judd Legum: With Medicare for All, your taxes go up, but calling it a ‘tax increase’ is a dishonest GOP talking point

 Pete Buttigieg took a swipe at Elizabeth Warren’s appearance with Stephen Colbert, saying she was “extremely evasive” whenever the question of a middle-class tax hike would be necessary to support her health care plan. Would the middle-class see a tax increase or not?
Judd Legum says it isn’t tough: Yes, your taxes go up, but calling it a tax increase “is a dishonest Republican talking point.” OK?
And please explain how 50 million Medicaid recipients -- who currently pay no health premiums, and thus would save nothing from eliminating premiums -- will come out ahead with higher taxes.

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Everytime a M4A advocate claims that we can just convert premiums to taxes with none worse off, note that *** NO** M4A legislative proposal actually includes any tax mechanism whatsoever. They cannot back up the rhetoric with any actual, workable, tax mechanism. Its all hot air,

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It's literally Obamacare 2.0. Ask anyone who is enrolled in Obamacare and they will tell you their premiums went up an average of $2500.

See AA7YA🇺🇸's other Tweets
But the whole point is moot since Barack Obama fixed the entire system by signing his name to Obamacare.
Judd Legum: With Medicare for All, your taxes go up, but calling it a ‘tax increase’ is a dishonest GOP talking point Judd Legum: With Medicare for All, your taxes go up, but calling it a ‘tax increase’ is a dishonest GOP talking point Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on September 20, 2019 Rating: 5

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