‘How’s the girlfriend?’ Mark Sanford’s thread on why he’s ‘compelled to enter the pres. primary’ does NOT go well

Mark Sanford has decided to enter the Presidential Primary as a Republican …
Don’t make that face, we didn’t do it.
Besides, Mark wrote an entire thread about why he decided to jump in:
I am compelled to enter the Presidential Primary as a Republican for several reasons – the most important of which is to further and foster a national debate on our nation's debt, deficits and spending.

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We have a storm coming that we are neither talking about nor preparing for given that we, as a country, are more financially vulnerable than we have ever been since our Nation’s start and the Civil War. We are on a collision course with financial reality. We need to act now.

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Hoo boy.
As I have watched the Democrat debates I hear no discussion, or even recognition, of what is occurring. Instead I hear a laundry list of new unpaid for political promises. On the Republican side, spending is up well above President Obama.

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If this guy has watched the Democrat debates he has to know how absolutely nuts they are … what is he thinking?!
@realDonaldTrump has ruled out action on the very things that drive spending and accumulated debt. Debate is even being cancelled on the Republican side, though I believe we need a conversation and action more than ever given our present course.

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Essentially no one “leading” in Washington is leading, or even speaking of, our financial predicament. We are living in a government spending and financial la-la land.. Which brings me to the larger question of what I, or any of us, can do about it?

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I have a unique vantage point and set of experiences – as a Governor, as a Member of Congress and as a taxpayer outside of politics. I do believe we must have this conversation now and humbly I step forward.

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A unique vantage point of disappearing so he could go hang out with his girlfriend.
Really, Republicans … REALLY?!
I respect the view of many Republican friends who have suggested that I not run, but I simply counter that competition makes us stronger. I believe competition of ideas is good, not bad, for the Republican Party and for our country.
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Divided we fall, sparky.
I ask for your wisdom, prayers, suggestions and time along the road ahead. Please join us – get involved - and know how much I would appreciate hearing from you.
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*eye roll*
Guess how this is going over.
You had a great run, time to drop out now as you have no shot but are an actual embarrassment to the GOP & America.
See Kicking Govt. Mule #299,897,983's other Tweets
There are better ways for you to spend your time this year, @MarkSanford.

I hear the Appalachian Trail is lovely in September
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At least he’s not Joe Walsh, right?

‘How’s the girlfriend?’ Mark Sanford’s thread on why he’s ‘compelled to enter the pres. primary’ does NOT go well ‘How’s the girlfriend?’ Mark Sanford’s thread on why he’s ‘compelled to enter the pres. primary’ does NOT go well Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on September 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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