Alyssa Milano to Ted Cruz: ‘I don’t know how to keep my children safe’; Also Alyssa Milano: ‘We are a two gun household’

We now have video to go with the meeting between Sen. Ted Cruz and anti-gun activist Alyssa Milano.
Here she is opening the discussion, telling Sen. Cruz she reminds her of a cartoon villain and she just doesn’t “know how to keep my children safe”:
Alyssa Milano to Sen. Ted Cruz: "Your stance has made you almost like this caricature of a villain, and that's why this meeting was so important for me, because I wanted to look at you in the eye and know that you're really a human with a heartbeat." 

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And later on in the conversation, she admitted to Sen. Cruz that she has two guns in her home to help keep her children safe:

Yes. We are a two gun household. This isn’t new news. I believe in the 2nd Amendment. I also agree with 90% of Americans who want stricter gun laws. And I believe it should be impossible for certain people to get their hands on certain guns. Pretty logical stuff. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 

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Oh. . .
But her hypocrisy gets worse. . .
Milano is also a fan of red flag laws:
Hi, Katie! I’m a responsible gun owner and like 98% of gun owners, I believe in strict gun laws including in-depth background checks, states passing the red flag law and banning weapons of war. But if you’d like to boycott Wisegal, that’s cool. It wasn’t very good anyway.✊🏻
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And then there’s this that she also tweeted in 2018. Should she have her guns taken away?

As someone who suffers from mental illness, I understand the need for better mental health care. But on behalf of those of us who suffer, please don’t say gun violence is solely because of mental illness when 95% of gun crime is actually unrelated to mental illness.
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Alyssa Milano to Ted Cruz: ‘I don’t know how to keep my children safe’; Also Alyssa Milano: ‘We are a two gun household’ Alyssa Milano to Ted Cruz: ‘I don’t know how to keep my children safe’; Also Alyssa Milano: ‘We are a two gun household’ Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on September 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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