"Illustrating the age-old axiom that actions speak louder than words, "Unplanned" actress Ashley Bratcher has partnered with Heartbeat International to create an educational scholarship for mothers facing unplanned pregnancies, reports LifeSiteNews.
The Unplanned Movie Scholarship fund has already begun accepting donations. In a description online, the fund promises to give expecting mothers a $5,000 annual scholarship toward their education.
"While plans may shift when the unexpected happens, it doesn't mean that dreams need to stop completely," reads the description. "Inspired by her role as Abby Johnson in the movie 'Unplanned,' Ashley Bratcher is partnering with Heartbeat International, the largest pregnancy help network in the world, to offer moms facing unplanned pregnancies educational scholarships so that they can continue pursuing their dreams while raising their babies."
"We will honor these brave women who chose life with a $5,000 annual scholarship to put toward their education," it continues. "By encouraging positive choices, we can literally transform families and communities."
Ashley Bratcher said that women contacted her after viewing the movie "Unplanned" to share their stories about the struggles they faced after choosing life.
"Some described the sacrifices they made in choosing life, and some were currently facing unplanned pregnancies that they feared would interfere with completing or attending college," said Bratcher. "It was then that I realized the need to reverse the negative stigma surrounding unplanned pregnancies."
Bratcher created the scholarship to put forth the message women do not have to halt their lives completely due to an unexpected pregnancy and wanted to empower "mothers to chase their dreams and to provide a means for those who chose life to continue their educations."
"I hope that the Unplanned Movie Scholarship will not only empower mothers seeking to continue to their education but that it will also spread awareness for the thousands of Heartbeat affiliate pregnancy resource centers across the world," said Bratcher. "So many women do not realize the resources and support that is available to them and this is an opportunity to show them that they're not alone."
The actress then shifted her attention over to Heartbeat International, which she extolled as an organization that helps women in their most vulnerable of moments. "Women are supported, empowered, loved, and never judged," she said of the organization. "Working with Heartbeat is an opportunity to direct women to the support that so many of them are seeking. Not only will the scholarship financially support the decision of mothers to continue their education but it will also connect them to an organization that will support them throughout their pregnancy and beyond."
Prior to the release of "Unplanned," Bratcher revealed that her own life was spared when her mom decided in the last second not to have an abortion.
"I was at the clinic sitting on the table when the nurse who was very pregnant came in to talk to me. I felt sick. I couldn't do it. I got up and walked out ... and I chose you," Ashley said her mom told her. "I'm grateful that God, through His providence, planted me here to tell my story — and that I have the privilege of sharing this film with the world."
‘Unplanned’ Actress Ashley Bratcher Creates Pro-Life Scholarship For Expecting Mothers
Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE
August 21, 2019
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