‘Only 5 1/2 more years, Fredo Baldwin’: Billy Baldwin tries picking a fight with Adam Baldwin over Cuomo and GUESS how that goes
For whatever reason, Billy Baldwin thought it was a good idea to go after Adam Baldwin (no relation) to defend Chris ‘Fredo’ Cuomo.
No one ever accused Billy of being the brightest crayon in the box.
Perhaps like millions of other Americans, Billy doesn’t actually watch Chris’ show or read his Twitter feed, but this is hardly the first time we’ve seen the talking head lose his cool. And dude, really, going after Mother? WHAT WAS HE THINKING?
We especially like the little angel emoji, it sells the tweet.
Fredo Baldwin … ROFL.
Wrong @ChrisCuomo, “Fredo” simply means that you’re the dumb one.
Change our minds. twitter.com/THEECONSTITUTI …
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Adam... tired of everyone calling you Alec.
It’s easy… next time just tell them that he’s the one that was:
Nominated for an Oscar
Nominated for a Tony
Won multiple Emmys
Won multiple Golden Globes
Owns more SAG Awards than you own guns
Hosted SNL a 100 times
Hosted the Oscars twitter.com/adambaldwin/st …
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Um Trump leaves office on January 21st, 2021 and you didn’t address the hypocrisy he pointed out so I guess you’re proud to support all those things.
See Andrew Wortman's other Tweets
Awww, wishful thinking is adorable.
Oh… which Dem candidate exactly do you believe can unseat him?
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That one guy … yeah, that’s it.
@BillyBaldwin "makes racist, bullying, thin skinned, vindictive, unhinged, lying statements beneath the occupation of an 'actor' on a daily basis… crickets"
See how that works....
See Milam Keith Smith's other Tweets
Who is Billy Baldwin? Is he a has been, or a never was?
See AmeriCatFirst!VSGNotABot's other Tweets
He’s that Baldwin that did that movie that one time.
Or something.
‘Only 5 1/2 more years, Fredo Baldwin’: Billy Baldwin tries picking a fight with Adam Baldwin over Cuomo and GUESS how that goes
Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE
August 13, 2019
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