Math is HARD! Ben Shapiro takes Elizabeth Warren’s plan to ‘level the playing field’ by taxing rich heirs APART in just 1 tweet

The only thing Democrats ever really want to do via policy is to raise taxes.
That’s their solution to every problem.
Oh, we’re out of milk? RAISE TAXES.
Like Elizabeth Warren’s bright idea to tax wealthy heirs so the ‘government’ can even the playing field, whatever the heck that means. Sounds like more socialist nonsense to this editor:
How dare the family benefit from their own business!
Ben Shapiro made one fairly exceptional point about why Liz’s bright idea is more like a dim yellow bulb.
It’s like Liz wants to be Bernie, or at least appeal to the Bernie Bros enough so that when the DNC screws him over again they don’t hold it against her like they did Hillary.

@ewarren that math means the Waltons make just short of $16,000 net profit, per employee, per year.

How much would you have them give up? $3,000? $8,000? $12,000? What number works?

See 1001 Roadbeerian Nights's other Tweets
We’re sorry, we were told there would be no math.
Oh, and if you want to see a lot of entitled whiners and their sour grapes about the wealth of the Walton family you’re in luck!
Wanting to shrink government and lower taxes (even for the rich) is trite.
And how much do taxpayers pick up to supplement the expenses for people who cannot afford to live on that salary?

They’re not creating jobs, they’re creating poverty, pocketing the revenue and expecting others to make up the difference.
See Not Drinking the Covfefe Punch's other Tweets
And how long has the government had a war on poverty?
Yeah, that’s working out great.
Employment is looking less like employment and more like indentured servitude. And if the only response to that criticism you can muster is “well life just sucks sometimes!” your response will be measured against how comfortable yours is and has been.
See Goede Vis's other Tweets
Stupid like this really does burn.
Let me know when they begin paying a living wage to the 1.5 million US employees so they no longer need State and Federal assistance. Half of the employees in the United States are kept on as part time to avoid paying benefits. Walmart policies amount to Corporate Welfare.
See Concerned Citizen's other Tweets
Living wage.
Gotta love those empty, meaningless talking points Democrats have been spewing for years that have done nothing to actually help with poverty in this country.
Yes, he’s so snobbish.
So that means Democrats should take it from them and give it to other people who didn’t earn it?
Let us know how much money the rich elites need in order to be satisfied with their lives? How many cars, homes, escorts, jewels, vacations, yachts etc. And after you figure out of much stuff they need, find out how many of them are truly happy people ok?
See The Forsytes's other Tweets
This is none of this person’s business.
They just don’t get it.

Which is exactly why Liz keeps pushing this nonsense – she knows they lap it up.
Math is HARD! Ben Shapiro takes Elizabeth Warren’s plan to ‘level the playing field’ by taxing rich heirs APART in just 1 tweet Math is HARD! Ben Shapiro takes Elizabeth Warren’s plan to ‘level the playing field’ by taxing rich heirs APART in just 1 tweet Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on August 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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