Bless his silly little heart: Resister trying to instigate a coup against Trump learns the HARD WAY why that’s really stupid
You know, for having spent the last several years calling Trump a traitor it’s sorta hilarious seeing the Left talk about actually committing treason. Oh, we know they don’t really have the cojones to do anything like this but man oh man, they sure like to talk tough.
Heck, Reza Aslan was talking about ‘eradicating’ Trump supporters yesterday.
How many million Americans would it take to go to Washington DC and remove Trump from office? Shut down everything until he resigns or is forced out some other way?
Asking for a nation. #WhiteNationalistTerrorism
#TrumpsTerrorists #WhiteSupremacistTerrorism
‘Asking for a nation’.
How dramatic.
And so very NOT helpful.
If the Right had tweeted such things they’d have called us traitors and accused us of treason.
But you know … ORANGE MAN BAD.
Are you putting yourself out there, Skippy? I mean if you are, jump. Don't incite people and then run away from consequences. Be on the front lines.
See GOP Pouncer's other Tweets
We’re going to guess ‘Skippy’ doesn’t want to be anywhere near that front line.
How many people would it take to go to DC and demonstrate against liberal lunacy and protect the pillars of our republic? #askingPatriots
See TexasDamnit's other Tweets
Been there, done that. See the 2016 election.
You don’t think the 95% Democrat DC hasn’t thought of that yet? What do you think the #MuellerReport was dude.
See Pretty Lives Matter's other Tweets
Yeah, dude.
Not good.
So by the same logic, did you ask the same with mass shootings when @BarackObama was in office?
42 people are talking about this
We’re going to guess that’s a big fat no.
Bless his silly little heart: Resister trying to instigate a coup against Trump learns the HARD WAY why that’s really stupid
Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE
August 05, 2019
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