Whoa whoa WHOA! Thread from 2018 about possible connection between Jeffrey Epstein and Mueller’s FBI is enlightening

Every once in a while we come across a thread that well and truly speaks for itself, and this thread from @Techno_Fog from May of 2018, is one of those threads.
And a possible connection between Jeffrey Epstein and Mueller’s FBI could be more important now than ever … take a look.

Wait. Was pedophile Jeffrey Epstein an informant for Mueller's FBI?

From the 5/24/18 FBI Vault release: "Epstein has also provided information to the FBI as agreed upon."

Is that why he escaped serious charges for molesting over twenty girls?

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*twiddles thumbs*

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Here's the thing: I'm seeing nothing in Epstein's 2007 plea deal with the DOJ that required him to provide information to the FBI. (see pics)

This begs the question of whether there was a separate agreement - still undisclosed - with the FBI.

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What a tangled web they weaved …

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It's not a conspiracy if it fits the behavior of the parties involved. Remember, subsequent civil suits uncovered efforts by the DOJ to keep the plea deal secret from the public and the girls Epstein molested.

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If we learn nothing else from this disaster of an investigation let it be that our intelligence community can be dirty and shady AF.
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Hugely important dates:

9/27/2007: Epstein signs the non-prosecution agreement

10/31/2007: Internal emails show that FBI agents still had not interviewed all the victims.
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2/2018: Five months after the plea deal was reached, FBI agents still haven't interviewed all the victims/witnesses. FBI agents haven't even seen all the physical evidence.
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Ok Techno, what does this have to do with Mueller?

The case was being run from DC.

Spring of 2008: Emails between FBI agents and the local ass't US attorneys reveal "continued delays" in getting the case to a grand jury "due to the failure to receive decision from DC"
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Here’s the most interesting part.
Yet more records.

1/23/2008: The FBI was directly involved in the DC meetings with the DOJ about Epstein.

Did Mueller attend?
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Looks like we have an answer on Epstein's cooperation with the FBI/DOJ, thanks to great reporting by @MiamiHerald

The DOJ wanted to prosecute executives instead of a child molester.

DOJ priorities.
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And now that Epstein has been arrested what will we learn?


Whoa whoa WHOA! Thread from 2018 about possible connection between Jeffrey Epstein and Mueller’s FBI is enlightening Whoa whoa WHOA! Thread from 2018 about possible connection between Jeffrey Epstein and Mueller’s FBI is enlightening Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on July 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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