1 GIF Don’t. Just don’t tell me how to live my life.____________________Q-tips should never be inserted into the ear canal. It says so on the box. Everybody does it, though.– u/negotiate 2 Pics.me Zip ties. They were never intended to form a structural part of a vehicle.– u/NobbyPrickford 3 GIF Poptarts. The correct serving size is one pastry, they were originally packaged in twos to save money and it caught on.– u/RonnieGetWrecked 4 NBC Cookie dough. I’ve eaten more cookie dough raw than I have baked.– u/Lt_Beefsquatch 5 GIF Nintendo 64 cartridges clearly say DO NOT BLOW ONTO CONTACTS on the back.– u/DarkNinjaPenguin 6 Source The foam nerf swords say something like “do not poke or swing at people or objects” like all I do is stab my little brother.– u/MidgetLivesMattr 7 GIF Hitachi Magic wands give …. good back massages (͠≖ ͜Ê–͠≖)– u/liquidsnake8 8 Pexels Hot water bottles. You are only supposed to fill them with warm water, not boiling water.– u/LemonGeeWay 9 GIF Shampoo. Because the instructions never give you an out from rinsing and repeating.– [deleted] 10 Flickr/josh_kenzer Girl Scout Cookie Thin Mints. Serving size is listed as 2, when everyone knows it the full sleeve.– u/babbrun 11 GIF Half a block of ramen noodles is the suggested serving size…– u/KyloRenIsMyBabyDaddy 12 Reddit Energy drink cans state that they should not be mixed with alcohol… but i’ve never had one without mixing it.– u/MrMorel 13 GIF Candy or chips where one portion is a third of the bag. Nobody stops at that.– u/HannahAching 14 Karousell Have one small cup of Nyquil? Nah, just chug part of the bottle every day until you fall asleep or feel better.– u/ans9393 15 GIF Kleenex are for nose sneezes, not dick sneezes.– u/NotABurner2000 16 Knowhow Flat head screwdrivers; eople use them as everything but a screwdriver. They get used as chisels, scrapers, can openers, pry bars, and levers. Meanwhile, people use butter knives to turn flat head screws.– u/Kilgore_troutsniffer 17 Warm apple pies?
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