Wealthy, lying HYPOCRITES! 2020 Dems candidates’ tax returns prove they’re VERY generous … just not with their own money
Democratic candidates for the 2020 presidential race are ramping up their campaigns by releasing their tax returns … yeah, it’s dumb and hilarious at the same time. We realize they’re trying to set themselves up for the, ‘I released my returns, why won’t Trump, what’s he hiding’ talking point but this has NOT gone well for them.
Reminds us of when Elizabeth Warren released her DNA results.
.31%, Beto?! Yes, that’s POINT THREE ONE …. wow.
1.4%, Harris?!
So most of them don’t even donate the average … wow.
Fair point.
Excellent question.
Dems could put this on a bumper sticker, true story.
Welcome to politics, 2019 style.
Wealthy, lying HYPOCRITES! 2020 Dems candidates’ tax returns prove they’re VERY generous … just not with their own money
Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE
April 16, 2019
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