In his latest "Ami on the Loose," documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz gives a series of interviews on the campus of Columbia University about the new trend of colleges promoting racial segregation by offering separate housing, events, and "safe spaces" based on the color of one's skin. The students' affirmative responses were far different from those Horowitz got from African Americans just a few blocks "outside the campus bubble," all of whom blasted the backward notion of "resegregation." The opposite was true of a KKK leader, who cheered the idea of colleges increasingly promoting separation by race.
"Colleges are creating separate housing, graduations, and even gyms for black students and other minorities," Horowitz explains. "So I went to Columbia University to find out what students think about this."
The students, who are mostly white females, all seem enthusiastic about the idea of encouraging the separation of students by race.
"Would you support segregated housing for black people?" Horowitz asks two female students.
"I think a lot of schools have interest housing, where black students, students of color can live together," one replies.
"Separate from white people?" Horowitz asks for clarification.
"Yeah, that’s like a normal thing at most campuses, I think," she replies.
"Yeah, I would support it," another female tells Horowitz in response to the same question.
"I don’t see a problem with that," says another female student, who appears to be Asian, adding, "I want to be with people like me."
"I would be supportive of it," another student asserts. "Why not?" asks another, while yet another student argues, "It wouldn’t change anything for me because, as you can see, I’m a white person."
When Horowitz asks students if they would "support African American students having their own separate graduation," he gets similarly affirmative responses.
"Sure, if that’s what they wanted," says a white female student. "Yeah, I definitely would," says another. "Absolutely they should have it," says another.
Asked specifically about "black safe spaces," a student says, "Yeah, I’m for that."
But when Horowitz walks "outside the campus bubble" to a neighborhood a few blocks away, the responses change dramatically. In fact, Horowitz notes that he found "unanimous" agreement off campus that segregating people by race is retrograde.
"Why? Are you going back in time?" says an African American woman. "Why are you separating? We’re all together." Asked if she thinks it’s racist to do that, she says emphatically, "I would think."
"I don’t understand the logic there," says an African American man. "It’s obviously terrible to separate people by race,” he says, exclaiming later, "Separating people by race at the gym? I don’t even understand that … So white people don’t get their feelings hurt when they get dunked on?"
"I feel like that’s basically segregation," says a young black man. "We should all graduate together."
"I feel like that’s segregation and that shouldn’t be happening," says another African American male. "Discrimination might not be the ultimate goal, but people take it that way… It’s all about social skills, and if you can’t converse with people that are not the same skin color as you, then there’s no reason for you to be social at all."
Horowitz goes on to provide some historical context to the segregation discussion, explaining the impact of the landmark Supreme Court decision Brown vs. Board of Education that overturned the policy of "separate but equal," the insidious rationale behind segregating people by race.
But increasingly on college campuses, Horowitz demonstrates that you can find many people who are actually embracing a form of "separate but equal" in these "woke," racially divisive policies.
To drive home just how backward this thinking is, Horowitz interviews a member of the racist KKK who celebrates colleges promoting segregating by race.
Ami Horowitz Asks Students About Colleges Racially Segregating Students, Then Asks KKK Leader
Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE
April 04, 2019

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