VIDEO: US Women’s Soccer Team Took Knee During Anthem Before Getting Spanked by Swedish Team 3-0 in Olympic Opening


Earlier this month several women from the US soccer team turned away from the US flag as 98-year-old WWII veteran Pete DuPré played the national anthem on a harmonica.

The US women’s soccer team was playing an exhibition game against Mexico in East Hartford, Connecticut in a pre-Olympic sendoff game before heading to Japan.

The US Soccer Federation later denied this but the video was clear.

On Wednesday the US Women’s Soccer Team took a knee before their Olympic opening game. Then they proceeded to get spanked 3-0 by the Swedish women.

They took a knee during the Olympics.

Democrat Activist Rapinoe looks angry.

VIDEO: US Women’s Soccer Team Took Knee During Anthem Before Getting Spanked by Swedish Team 3-0 in Olympic Opening VIDEO: US Women’s Soccer Team Took Knee During Anthem Before Getting Spanked by Swedish Team 3-0 in Olympic Opening Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on July 22, 2021 Rating: 5

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