Communists March Through Austin, Texas – Praise Mass Murderers, Block Intersections in May Day Demonstration (VIDEO)


Photo courtesy of The Texan News reporter Brad Johnson

Communists holding Soviet Union hammer and sickle flags marched through Austin, Texas on Saturday, blocked intersections and praised mass murderers in a May Day demonstration.

The annual marches began in 1886 when more than 300,000 people in the United States ditched work to protest in favor of an eight-hour work day, a battle that had began two years earlier.

Now, every year on May 1, unions and anarchists worldwide gather to cause mayhem and havoc in the the streets.

The Communists were ordered off Congress Avenue after blocking an intersection in downtown Austin

Video via The Texan News:

The Communists praised mass murderers Stalin, Vladimir Lenin and proudly paraded around photos of Karl Marx.

Communism killed more than 200 million people in the 20th century by some estimates, but after decades of leftist indoctrination in schools, Americans are openly demanding Communism.

Communists March Through Austin, Texas – Praise Mass Murderers, Block Intersections in May Day Demonstration (VIDEO) Communists March Through Austin, Texas – Praise Mass Murderers, Block Intersections in May Day Demonstration (VIDEO) Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on May 02, 2021 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. And the government is onboard.
    Do you still think we won the Cold War?
    They're laughing in your face.


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