BREAKING: Arizona Officials Increase the Number of Tables at Veterans Memorial Coliseum to Speed Up Forensic Audit… Update: FROM 20 to 46 Overnight!

 After the shift workers left the coliseum on Thursday, staff moved in and doubled the number of processing tables there.

They must be wanting to speed things up.

You can now see that where there were 5 tables for yellow T-shirt workers there are now at least 11 new tables for yellow T-shirt election workers.

They are adding tables to each zone.

There were 2.1 million ballots delivered to the center from Maricopa County.

Audit Director Ken Bennett said earlier this week that the audit is on pace to be completed by the deadline.

Ken Bennett toldthey went from 20 tables to 46 counting tables overnight!

BREAKING: Arizona Officials Increase the Number of Tables at Veterans Memorial Coliseum to Speed Up Forensic Audit… Update: FROM 20 to 46 Overnight! BREAKING: Arizona Officials Increase the Number of Tables at Veterans Memorial Coliseum to Speed Up Forensic Audit… Update: FROM 20 to 46 Overnight! Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on May 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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