AWFUL! Computer Programmer Harri Hursti Is Second Investigator Selected for Windham, NH Elections Audit — Who Is Advisory Board Member to Unscrupulous Verified Voting


Bruce Breton, one of Windham’s Selectman, is the only city Selectman who did not vote for Mark Lindeman for the upcoming forensic audit. Bruce voted for computer expert Jovan Pulitzer to be Windham’s forensic analyst.

Last Monday night, the Windham Board of Selectmen held a public meeting to discuss their choice of an analyst for the forensic audit team that will investigate the largest discrepancy between machine and hand counts for any election in the history of New Hampshire. At the meeting, 3 of the 4 selectmen announced their support for the team of Dr. Andrew Appel and Mark Lindeman’s Verified Voting.

It was discovered the next morning that New Hampshire officials selected an operative who alleged the election fraud claims were fake and worked to try to get the Maricopa County audit shut down earlier this month!

This letter denouncing the Arizona audit WAS SIGNED by Mark Lindeman from Verified Voting!

So the local officials in Windham picked Mark Lindeman who is a far-left operative who has NO RESPECT for the auditing process at all and believes it is unnecessary!

On Saturday a reader tipped us off to another indictment of Mark Lindeman and Verified Voting.

According to an article at Fast Company back in December 2019, a year before the 2020 election, two experts working with Mark Lindeman and Verified Voting quit the organization over claims it was untrustworthy and was providing cover for the companies that make and sell the voting machines.

This was public knowledge and the Windham Selectmen obviously knew about this before they picked the allegedly corrupt organization to audit the 2020 Windham election results.

Mark Lindeman has also been accused of being a toady for the voting machine companies.

On Monday New Hampshire Secretary of State William Gardner chose the second investigator for the Windham audit.

Despite calls and emails from New Hampshire residents to choose Jovan Pulitzer, Gardner chose Harri Hursti, who has years of experience investigating voting machines.

According to Western Journal, Hursti famously demonstrated to Florida election officials just how easy it was to overwrite voting machine software to change results for his 2006 documentary film, “Hacking Democracy.”

Eagle Tribune reported:

New Hampshire Secretary of State William Gardner and Attorney General John Fornella announced in a joint statement Monday that the state chose Harri Hursti to be its audit representative.

Hursti, is a founding partner for Nordic Innovation Labs and is well known for data security knowledge and election security. He and Lindeman and their teams will be joined by a third designee to handle the audit.

Harri Hursti was or is an Advisory Board member for Verified Voting which is also very concerning.

It appears the elected leaders are ready to hurl their constituents under the bus.

AWFUL! Computer Programmer Harri Hursti Is Second Investigator Selected for Windham, NH Elections Audit — Who Is Advisory Board Member to Unscrupulous Verified Voting AWFUL! Computer Programmer Harri Hursti Is Second Investigator Selected for Windham, NH Elections Audit — Who Is Advisory Board Member to Unscrupulous Verified Voting Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on May 05, 2021 Rating: 5

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