Portland police share photos of Antifa rioters who smashed up Democratic Party HQ as just 15 were arrested from mob of 200

 Eight Antifa rioters accused of smashing windows at Portland's Democratic Party headquarters hours after President Joe Biden was sworn in have had their mugshots published together with the weapons they allegedly used in the assault. 

Police have arrested 15 total suspects out of a mob estimated to be 200 people.  

Among the arrested are: Jovanni Garcia of Beaverton, Oregon, 24; Justin Bowen of Portland, Oregon, 25; Andre Marks of Vancouver, Washington, 20; Christopher Lundrigan of Portland, 26; Theodore Matthee-O'Brien of Portland, 22; Trevor Colter, 26; Gregg Ian Tully of Portland, 44; Kyle Romstad of Portland, 22; Kaiave Douvia of Portland, 22; Jean V. Paris of Albany, 18; Alyssa Hartley Davis of Albany, 18; Austin N. Nuchraska of McMinnville, 25; Nicole Aria Rose of Portland, 25; Darnell Kimberlin of Portland, 31; and Davis Alan Beeman of Vancouver, 38.   

All face a variety of charges from reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and assaulting a peace officer.  

Booking photos clockwise, starting upper left) Nicole Aria Rose, Austin N. Nuchraska, Jean V. Paris, Kaiave Douvia, Darrell A. Kimberlin, Davis Alan Beeman, Alyssa Hartley Davis and Kyle Romstad

Booking photos clockwise, starting upper left) Nicole Aria Rose, Austin N. Nuchraska, Jean V. Paris, Kaiave Douvia, Darrell A. Kimberlin, Davis Alan Beeman, Alyssa Hartley Davis and Kyle Romstad

Federal police deployed tear gas in an attempt to disperse protesters who threw rocks and eggs at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement building in Portland, Oregon, late on Wednesday night, according to authorities

Federal police deployed tear gas in an attempt to disperse protesters who threw rocks and eggs at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement building in Portland, Oregon, late on Wednesday night, according to authorities

A group of protesters shield themselves from chemical irritants fired by police during protests in Portland, Oregon

A group of protesters shield themselves from chemical irritants fired by police during protests in Portland, Oregon

Portland Police confiscated knives as part of a multitude of weapons taken

Portland Police confiscated knives as part of a multitude of weapons taken

This metal baton and bullet proof vest was also held by police from those arrests

This metal baton and bullet proof vest was also held by police from those arrests

Various baton, pepper spray and flick knives were found on those who were arrested

Various baton, pepper spray and flick knives were found on those who were arrested

A crow bar, spray paint and a pair of pliers were found in one protester's backpack

A crow bar, spray paint and a pair of pliers were found in one protester's backpack

Homemade firebombs were also among those items taken by police during the arrests

Homemade firebombs were also among those items taken by police during the arrests 

Smoke bombs, tear gas, bear spray and a knife were also taken by police from the protesters

Smoke bombs, tear gas, bear spray and a knife were also taken by police from the protesters

Out of the 15 apprehended, seven had already been arrested during earlier Antifa riots.

The rest of the group of 200 people quickly vanished into nearby neighborhood streets. 

Black Lives Matter-Antifa had already announced they were to host a January 20th riot and it saw 150 Antifa dressed in black march through the city streets. 

The group stopped traffic as they headed to the headquarters of the Democratic Party of Oregon carrying a large banner stating: 'WE DON'T WANT BIDEN—WE WANT REVENGE!' in response to 'police murders' and 'imperialist wars.'

Using hammers and batons, the mob smashed the windows to offices before dragging dumpsters onto the street setting fire to them.   

During the arrests, Portland Police confiscated knives, batons, a crowbar, pepper spray and homemade firebombs.    

Police officers respond to protesters rallying against the new Biden-Harris administration and to call upon them to abolish ICE in Portland, Oregon on Wednesday night

Police officers respond to protesters rallying against the new Biden-Harris administration and to call upon them to abolish ICE in Portland, Oregon on Wednesday night

Antifa members dressed in black are seen smashing windows of the Democratic Party of Oregon headquarters in Portland

Antifa members dressed in black are seen smashing windows of the Democratic Party of Oregon headquarters in Portland

Portland protesters vandalize the Democratic Party headquarters
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Later on Wednesday night, the group came together once more at a second gathering southwest Portland chanting 'F*** Joe Biden' as they marched to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility.

They brandished shields, batons and rocks while dressed in riot gear. 

The mob gathered outside ICE in the South Waterfront section of the city where Federal Protective Services officers issued warnings on loudspeakers telling the demonstrators not to trespass on federal property.

The ICE building has been the site of several violent clashes between demonstrators and federal police over the past year, particularly after the May 25 police-involved death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. 

The clashes late on Wednesday escalated to the point where authorities needed to block off streets leading to the ICE building.

Protesters were fired with tear gas during a rally outside the ICE building in Portland, Oregon after Biden's inauguration

Protesters were fired with tear gas during a rally outside the ICE building in Portland, Oregon after Biden's inauguration 

Federal authorities use tear gas and flash bangs in an attempt to disperse rioters outside the ICE building in Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday

Federal authorities use tear gas and flash bangs in an attempt to disperse rioters outside the ICE building in Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday

Police armed with riot gear fired tear gas into the crowds of protesters in Portland, Wednesday

Police armed with riot gear fired tear gas into the crowds of protesters in Portland, Wednesday

A protester puts out a police smoke grenade during demonstrations in Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday

A protester puts out a police smoke grenade during demonstrations in Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday

Video posted to social media show flash bangs exploding as federal authorities attempted to quell the unrest using tear gas.

The demonstrators have long demanded that ICE, the agency that has drawn the ire of pro-immigrant advocates for its aggressive enforcement of immigration laws, be abolished.    

Protests struck Portland and Seattle just hours after US President Joe Biden's inauguration, police said Thursday, with Democratic Party and federal immigration offices vandalized and reports of tear gas and stun grenades used.

The Pacific Northwest region emerged as a hotbed of demonstrations last year, but any hopes that the end of Donald Trump's term in office would quickly halt violent unrest tied to far-left groups were dashed Wednesday.

Around 150 people vandalized Oregon's Democratic Party offices Wednesday afternoon, before a similarly sized group descended on the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement building in Portland late evening.

Portland protesters burn Biden flag during inauguration night unrest
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Antifa members spray-painted anti-Biden graffiti while vandalizing the headquarters of the Democratic Party of Oregon in Portland on Wednesday, hours after Biden's inauguration

Antifa members spray-painted anti-Biden graffiti while vandalizing the headquarters of the Democratic Party of Oregon in Portland on Wednesday, hours after Biden's inauguration

Police in Portland made several arrests just hours after Biden was inaugurated as the 46th president on Wednesday

Police in Portland made several arrests just hours after Biden was inaugurated as the 46th president on Wednesday

One of the signs read 'We don't want Biden, we want revenge!' in response to 'police murders' and 'imperialist wars'

One of the signs read 'We don't want Biden, we want revenge!' in response to 'police murders' and 'imperialist wars'

A protester is seen above during demonstrations in Portland, Oregon, just hours after Biden was sworn in as president

A protester is seen above during demonstrations in Portland, Oregon, just hours after Biden was sworn in as president

'Some of the crowd had pepperball guns, electronic control weapons, large fireworks, shields and rocks,' said Portland police spokesman Kevin Allen.

'Federal officers launched crowd control munitions,' he added, without specifying the type. At least eight people were arrested.

Local CBS affiliate KOIN 6 News witnessed 'what appeared to be tear gas, as well as stun grenades and less-lethal munitions like pepperballs.'  

The violence and vandalism emerged on a day when several far-left demonstrations were planned to put pressure on the new administration to swiftly introduce immigration, racial justice and policing reforms.

According to the New York Times, one flier handed out at the Seattle demonstration attacked Biden over 'his stupid' crime bill passed in 1994, which was blamed for leading to mass incarcerations.

An estimated 200 people protested in Portland late on Wednesday - hours after President Joe Biden's inauguration, but just 15 were arrested from the mob

An estimated 200 people protested in Portland late on Wednesday - hours after President Joe Biden's inauguration, but just 15 were arrested from the mob

Federal law enforcement officers guard an ICE facility during a rally to abolish ICE after Biden's inauguration

Federal law enforcement officers guard an ICE facility during a rally to abolish ICE after Biden's inauguration

Anti-establishment group in Portland protest Biden inauguration
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Within hours of taking office Wednesday, Biden signed a raft of executive orders, including measures to give millions of undocumented migrants a path to citizenship that the Trump administration denied.

The Democratic Party of Oregon said in a statement to AFP it was 'frustrated and disappointed' by the damage to its offices -- which were empty -- but would not be deterred 'from our important work.'

Portland has been the site of frequent protests, many involving violent clashes between officers and demonstrators, ever since the George Floyd death in Minneapolis in May. 

Over the summer, there were demonstrations for more than 100 straight days.

Mayor Ted Wheeler recently decried what he described as a segment of violent agitators who detract from the message of police accountability and should be subject to more severe punishment. 

Inflamed by the arrival of federal officers and right-wing militias, including the so-called Proud Boys, protests turned deadly.

Portland police share photos of Antifa rioters who smashed up Democratic Party HQ as just 15 were arrested from mob of 200 Portland police share photos of Antifa rioters who smashed up Democratic Party HQ as just 15 were arrested from mob of 200 Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on January 22, 2021 Rating: 5

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