Dimwitted Child of Privilege Chelsea Clinton Lectures on How to “Erode White Privilege” from Your Life

She is too dense to see the irony.
Dimwitted child of privilege Chelsea Clinton thought it would be a good idea to lecture parents on white privilege.
Chelsea talked about how she is working to “erode” white privilege out of her children during a conversation with America-hating Squad Member Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) about voting rights in America.
Loudmouth leftist Pressley was not brave enough to call her out.
If Chelsea was serious she’d give up her lavish lifestyle and donate her riches to charity.
She’s not. She just wants to lecture.
Dinesh D’Souza weighed in on the coddled, pampered, spawn of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Dimwitted Child of Privilege Chelsea Clinton Lectures on How to “Erode White Privilege” from Your Life Dimwitted Child of Privilege Chelsea Clinton Lectures on How to “Erode White Privilege” from Your Life Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on September 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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