Chuck Schumer Refuses to Meet with Amy Coney Barrett, Says Process “Illegitimate”


Chuck Schumer

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) refuses to meet with President Trump’s Supreme Court justice nominee Amy Coney Barrett.

Schumer said the entire process is “illegitimate.”

“First, that the whole process has been illegitimate, and, second, because [Barrett] has already stated that she is for overturning the ACA,” Schumer said.

A reporter recently set Schumer straight and reminded him that Trump is able to confirm a new justice because Trump and the Republicans won elections.

“The reason why there is going to be likely a third conservative justice in the court is because President Trump won the election, that Senate Republicans won the majority,” a reporter said to Schumer.

Schumer was visibly annoyed!

Chuck Schumer Refuses to Meet with Amy Coney Barrett, Says Process “Illegitimate” Chuck Schumer Refuses to Meet with Amy Coney Barrett, Says Process “Illegitimate” Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on September 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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