Liz Warren said she would disavow all super PAC money — but she's singing a different tune now

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) was excoriated by her critics for changing her tune on super PAC money after claiming she would disavow all such financial campaign support.

Warren would not disavow a super PAC on Thursday when questioned by reporters about "Persist," a super PAC that had earmarked a million dollars' worth of spending on ads in Nevada for her presidential aspirations.
"If all the candidates want to get rid of super PACs, count me in," she said. "It can't be the case that a bunch of people keep them and only one or two don't."
Reuters noted that her website still contained a statement vehemently promising to disavow any super PAC support.
Lis Smith, the communications adviser for the Pete Buttigieg campaign, bitterly complained about Warren's hypocritical change of heart.
"This is the problem with issuing purity tests you yourself cannot pass," she tweeted.

She was responding to a tweet of a statement by Warren in an email that she would accept no super PAC campaign support.
Warren's flip-flop may be due to her inability to garner enough support in the first two states of the Democratic primary contest to be considered a top candidate. She came in third place in Iowa and in fourth place in New Hampshire.
Liz Warren said she would disavow all super PAC money — but she's singing a different tune now Liz Warren said she would disavow all super PAC money — but she's singing a different tune now Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on February 21, 2020 Rating: 5

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