Joke: The Difference Between McDonalds and the Democratic Party

We all know that the Democratic Party has become a bad joke.
The party and its leaders have moved far to the left and most are afflicted with TDS or Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Democrats these days act like lunatics rather than members of a serious pro-America political party.
Which makes them so easy to mock as the hilarious joke below shows.
Now THAT is funny but also makes an excellent point.

McDonalds only has one clown running the show but the Democratic party has many, many clowns running the show.

Pelosi, Nadler and Schiff come to mind almost immediately.
Joke: The Difference Between McDonalds and the Democratic Party Joke: The Difference Between McDonalds and the Democratic Party Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on February 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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