Wednesday 11 December 2019

The Carter Page FISA Application Included 17 Significant Inaccuracies and Omissions – Per the DOJ IG This One Was the Worst

There were 17 significant inaccuracies and omissions in the FISA report and numerous others labeled as less significant.

Seven occurred in the first FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page and another ten were identified by the DOG IG in subsequent reports.

But the DOJ IG claimed one was the worst.

Here is the list of initial seven issues identified in the first FISA application (paraphrased) – 
1. Omitted information that Carter Page worked for another government agency – the only agency that they talk of in this manner is the CIA.
2. Provided a statement on Christopher Steele that overstated his past and needed to be ran by Steele’s agent per the law but it wasn’t.
3. Omitted information from Steele’s source who was known as a ‘boaster’ and ’embellisher’.
4. Lied and stated that Steele did not provide an article to Yahoo News when he had and they knew it.
5. Omitted that Papadopoulos had stated that nobody in Trump campaign had collaborated with Russia.
6. Omitted Page’s words that he never met or worked with Manafort which was in contrast to report claiming they were working on a conspiracy with Russia.
7. Claimed Page was an agent of Russia but omitted statements that Page made that contradicted this assertion.
Here are the remaining ten issues that were associated with renewal applications (paraphrased) –
8. Omitted the fact that Steele’s primary sub source had made allegations that raised significant concerns with the reliability of his information used by Steele.
9. Omitted Pages prior relationship with another government agency and an OGC Attorney altered an email from Carter Page that stated that Page was a source to then say Page was not a source.
10. Omitted information that Steele had done things like ‘pursued people with political risk’, ‘didn’t always use the best judgement’, etc…
11. Omitted information from Bruce Ohr that Steele was paid by the Clinton campaign and Simpson was paying Steele and Steele was desperate not to see Trump get elected’.
12. Failed to update information that Simpson was hired by the Democrat Party and/or DNC.
13. Failed to correct assertion in FISA application that Steele did not give information to Yahoo.
14. Omitted the finding that Steele was suitable for continued operation based on information that his dossier was minimally corroborated.
15. Omitted Papadopolous information to that Trump campaign was not involved in DNC email hack.
16. Omitted Joseph Mifsud’s denials that he supplied information to Papadopoulos that suggested Trump campaign received information from Russia.
17. Omitted information that Page played no role in the Republican platform change on Russia’s annexation of Ukraine as alleged in the report.
Of these issues the most significant was related to the sub-source used by Christopher Steele in the now totally discredited dossier used to obtain the FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page and President Trump.  This is stated in the report – 
The fact that Steele’s dossier was based on second hand information from a known ‘boaster’ and ’embellisher’ is shocking and damaging to the FBI’s case that they had information to spy on President Trump – 

The US was put through three years of hell because the FBI and DOJ chose to use information from a ‘boaster’ and ’embellisher’ to spy on candidate and then President Trump.  Nothing to see here, move along….

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