‘So fake’! Elizabeth Warren’s attempts to be relatable are making her ‘even more inauthentic’

Every politician tries to relate to people — that’s a job requirement to some degree. However, some politicians are worse at it than others, and/or need to do it more than others. Elizabeth Warren certainly falls into the latter category, so she’s working on that:
New: Warren wipes Harvard from populist pitch. On the trail, she refers to herself as a "teacher" instead of "professor," she asks for "Okies" in the crowd rather than ppl from Mass, when she wears college swag, it's often a Berkshire Comm College hat. https://www.politico.com/news/2019/11/07/elizabeth-warren-oklahoma-harvard-2020-066940 

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The authenticity is palpable. *Eye roll*
Warren's pitch is designed to try to rebut "elitism," the heart of Scott Brown's 2012 strategy. A Brown campaign memo put it this way: “Professor Warren is an out-of-touch elitist whose ideas are informed by two decades on the campus of Harvard, but don’t work in the real world.”

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Brown went there b/c campaign focus groups found vulnerability: "Some believe she is phony because she doesn’t live in the same world as they do,” the campaign wrote of the focus groups. “Others cite her background as justification of her advocating for the middle class.”

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Whether voters ultimately see her as Betsy from Norman, OK or Professor Warren from Cambridge could be the difference for her candidacy, which is why she leans into her up-by-her bootstraps "Okie" biography.

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She seems more authentic already (especially ever since her DNC backfire debacle)!
Can there be any other outcome with Warren?

And we probably haven’t seen anything yet.
‘So fake’! Elizabeth Warren’s attempts to be relatable are making her ‘even more inauthentic’ ‘So fake’! Elizabeth Warren’s attempts to be relatable are making her ‘even more inauthentic’ Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on November 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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