‘Does she know what that means?’ Given the option, Elizabeth Warren says she’d rather just ‘Netflix and chill’ [video]

Elizabeth Warren has lied about a lot of things in her life. With any luck, she’s lying about this as well:
Elizabeth Warren says she prefers "Netflix & Chill" over "Broadway & Dinner" and I just threw up in my mouth a little.

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No. No no no no no no no.
For our own mental health, let’s just assume that, like “selfies,” she doesn’t actually know what “Netflix and Chill” means.

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This alone should disqualify her. Her garbage socialist policies are bad enough. But this? No American of any political stripe should be OK with this.

‘Scuse us while we join you.
‘Does she know what that means?’ Given the option, Elizabeth Warren says she’d rather just ‘Netflix and chill’ [video] ‘Does she know what that means?’ Given the option, Elizabeth Warren says she’d rather just ‘Netflix and chill’ [video] Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on November 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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