US college students are asked to name of the greatest country on Earth. Most of them name a country other than the United States.

Not all U.S. college students are proud or pleased to be Americans, and, in fact, some believe that there are other countries that are probably better than the United States.
Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips visited George Washington University in Washington, D.C., to gauge students' thoughts on the best country in the word.

What's the background?

A new Gallup poll found that the number of people surveyed who consider themselves to be "proud or very proud" to be Americans is at an all-time low.

The survey reported that 45 percent of American respondents considered themselves to to be "extremely proud" of the U.S. Just 22 percent of self-identified Democratic respondents said they felt pride to be American — a 10 percent decrease year over year.

What did students say when asked what is the greatest country on Earth?

Here are some of the more interesting responses:
  • "There are so many issues right now that I can't say I'm proud to be an American."
  • "I've been prouder, I think, in the past."
  • "I think there are a lot of things to be proud of, but at the moment, there are a lot more things we have to be ashamed of."
  • "[Not proud] definitely because of our current president. I'm not proud of him."
  • "I can't be proud of a country that elected Trump."
  • "I mean, I think it's awful if someone says they aren't proud to be an American regardless of who's in office, so of course, I'm more honestly proud than ever."
  • "One of the most patriotic things a person can do is realize there are a lot of problems in the country, and be willing to solve those problems and still love their country at the end of the day."
Phillips also asked students what they believed were the best countries in the world.
The majority of students conceded that Sweden, Norway, Canada, and Iceland were the best countries in the world.

Anything else?

One student expressed an unapologetic patriotic view and boasted of his love for the United States of America.

"I think we have a country rife with opportunity, a country rife with abilities to become successful, I don't know," a male student told Phillips. "In light of what's going on around the world, it's pretty damn good to be American."

"I think it's the best country in the world, but that's just me," he shrugged.

What Do College Students Think Is The Best Country On Earth?
US college students are asked to name of the greatest country on Earth. Most of them name a country other than the United States. US college students are asked to name of the greatest country on Earth. Most of them name a country other than the United States. Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on July 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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