‘Can’t EVEN with this woman!’ AOC tries arguing that it’s racist to label mass shootings by Muslims as ‘terrorism’ and yeah … NO

So is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez really trying to make the case that it’s racist to label a mass shooting by a Muslim as ‘domestic terrorism’? We get that she’s trying to somehow prove that white supremacists are terrorists but for real?
This has gotta be one of those things that sounded better in her head.
When a mass shooting is committed by a Muslim, the crime is almost automatically labeled as Domestic Terrorism.

But when White Supremacists like Dylann Roof shot up a black church, or attack the Tree of Life Synagogue, the FBI declined to charge them w/ Domestic Terrorism.


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We’re not sure AOC actually understands what the definition of ‘terrorism’ is.

White Supremacists get charged w hate crimes. Muslims get charged w terrorism.

This is a HUGE difference. Hate crimes are underreported, deprioritized, + aren’t treated as seriously as domestic terror charges.

Yet in the US, Neo-Nazi violence far outnumbers Islamic extremism.

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Except it IS terrorism, Alex from the Bronx.
A hate crime is very different from terrorism.
You know that face you make when your teenage son is trying to teach you how to play Fortnite and you can’t even figure out the stupid controller so you just quit and stomp out of the room? Yup, just made that face.
And yes, that was a very specific face, heh.
Then how would you describe the shooters in Colorado earlier this month? You know, the ones no one wants to talk about any more. How about we describe them like that are. Sick and twisted POS’s, regardless of political or religious beliefs.
See William Waring's other Tweets
Oh yeah, seems those gunmen have magically disappeared from the media.
Wonder why that is?
Terrorism is different than hate crimes. Typically, terrorism is part of an organization. The “hate crimes” you’re referring to were perpetrated by mentally unstable loners.
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Terrorism is also a political thing but hey, what do we know?
I see the point you are trying to make, but it’s a bit of a generalization. It all depends on the details of the incident as to how it will be “labeled” in accordance with the laws in place.
See Desirée_C's other Tweets
Dylann Roof got the death penalty for a hate crime... how is that “not treated seriously”??!
See mk's other Tweets
That’s pretty damn serious but you know, racism and stuff.
Don’t make that face, we didn’t write her tweets.
Thanks AOC for bringing up race once again. I’m excited that we keep stepping backwards
See Brandon's other Tweets
Gotta keep us divided ya’ know.
It’s the Democrat way.
‘The pursuit of political aims.’

Huh, nothing about race here, AOC. But sure, go with that whole racist thing … sounds legit.
‘Can’t EVEN with this woman!’ AOC tries arguing that it’s racist to label mass shootings by Muslims as ‘terrorism’ and yeah … NO ‘Can’t EVEN with this woman!’ AOC tries arguing that it’s racist to label mass shootings by Muslims as ‘terrorism’ and yeah … NO Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on May 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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