Crooked Soros-Backed State’s Attorney Kim Foxx from Jesse Smollett Fame Now Reportedly Going to Drop Charges on Chicago Curfew Violators

Hollywood “washed up” actor Jussie Smollett was let off by the corrupt Cook County State’s Attorney’s office last year after his vicious stunt to smear Trump supporters as homophobic, racists backfired. Now the State’s Attorney is back in the news for unreasonable acts.
Jussie Smollett, also referred to as French actor Juicy Smolliet, was let off by the corrupt Illinois State’s Attorney Kim Foxx and then later re-charged with six counts related to the alleged hate hoax in February 2020.
In April 2019 Chicago authorities released text messages from corrupt State’s Attorney Kim Foxx. The messages revealed that Kim Foxx continued to intervene in the case in support of Smollett after she recused herself.
Based on these emails it is clear that Kim Foxx lied about her interference in the Jussie Smollett case.
But despite her corrupt background Kim Foxx received a huge boost from Soros organizations. Billionaire leftist George Soros reportedly gave seven-figure campaign donations to re-elect Kim Foxx in Chicago.
It paid off because Illinois voters reelected this corrupt woman back into power in her primary election.
Now yesterday it was reported by local channel FOX 32 that Attorney Foxx is planning on dropping all or most all charges against individuals arrested for curfew violations in Chicago:
Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, according to an internal email obtained by FOX 32, plans to drop most if not all charges against many of those arrested for curfew violations during protests earlier this month, including felony charges filed after police followed up….
FOX 32 obtained the internal email last week from First Assistant State’s Attorney Joseph Magats, reading in part: “Cases are to be nolled (dismissed) where curfew violations or city disorderly conduct was the basis of a stop that led to a felony or misdemeanor case….(i)f there are misdemeanor disorderlies where the conduct that was disorderly was a curfew violation, those cases are to be dismissed.”Five separate attempts to get a comment from the state’s attorney’s office failed to elicit any response at all.
Illinois, like all other Democrat run states, is in a horribly bankrupt and corrupt situation. No wonder this is the state where Barack Obama came from.
Crooked Soros-Backed State’s Attorney Kim Foxx from Jesse Smollett Fame Now Reportedly Going to Drop Charges on Chicago Curfew Violators
Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE
June 30, 2020
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