Well, wasn’t THAT convenient?! Kevin Sorbo drops a Hercules-sized truth bomb on James Comey and BOOOOM

Mental note, you never EVER want a guy who could play Hercules of all characters calling you out for being a giant liar on Twitter. But that’s exactly what happened with Kevin Sorbo and James Comey …
Jim Comey answered “I don’t know,” “I don’t recall,” and “I don’t remember” 236 times while under oath. But Remembered enough to write a book .....

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An excellent point.
The guy said he didn’t know and/or didn’t recall over 200 times (236 times to be exact), but he remembered enough to write a book.
And go on talk shows.
And tweet a bunch of stupid pictures with bizarre, cryptic messaging.
Kevin nailed this on so many levels.

James .@Comey, see the thread above...this is how history will remember you, if it remembers you at all.

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When Reagan said those things, they shouted that he was forgetful and unfit for office.
See Skippy's other Tweets
But she added the famous, ‘What difference does it make,’ piece to her memory issues.
Ain’t it?
And not funny haha, funny weird.
I don’t know...
I don’t recall...
I don’t remember...

Maybe these are the chapter headers?
See Ellen Rittgers's other Tweets

Awww, could be.
Well, wasn’t THAT convenient?! Kevin Sorbo drops a Hercules-sized truth bomb on James Comey and BOOOOM Well, wasn’t THAT convenient?! Kevin Sorbo drops a Hercules-sized truth bomb on James Comey and BOOOOM Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on June 17, 2019 Rating: 5

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